
IP Trend of Third Quarter of 2016 in Taiwan Announcement by TIPO Dec 10, 2016

Regarding patent applications during the third quarter of 2016, the total amount of patent applications in Taiwan including three types of patent reach 18,121 and have increased by 0.34% compared to the same period of last year...

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2016 National Invention and Creation Award hosted by TIPO Dec 10, 2016

After four months examination, the Ministry of Economic Affairs Intellectual Property Office has selected 44 outstanding patents from 474 selected cases. Among them, many patents are jointly developed by industry, academy and research institute...

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Whether the decision of an invalidation action against a patent can be the reason for appealing for retrial according to the Code of Civil Procedure? Dec 10, 2016

Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure article 496(11):「Except where the party has filed an appeal to assert the ground for a review or has failed to assert such ground known to him/her, a rehearing action may be initiated to request a review...

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2016 Taiwan-EU Seminar on Trade Secrets Oct 11, 2016

2016 Taiwan-EU seminar on trade secrets is held on September 21 by TIPO, EETO, and EBRC. Several European organization officials, including DG Trade Policy Officer Jorg Weberndorfer of the European Commission, Head Prosecutor Jan Østergarrd from...

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China Trademark Office Document and Information Management Department Aiding Trademark Registration Reformation Oct 11, 2016

Since April, 2016, the Document and Information Management Department of Trademark Office of PRC promotes several self-consciousness for varying and enhancing the working attitude and efficiency, aiming at promoting trademark registration reformation...

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Non-Qualified Patent Attorneys Rectification by SIPO Oct 11, 2016

For standardizing the business practicing of patent attorneys, establishing a better patent agency practicing environment, protecting the right of creativity entity, and increasing the quality of patent right application management...

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Criteria of Patent Invalidation Oct 11, 2016

A patent owner files a patent application “Automatic Switcher” to TIPO, which is approved after examination. An invalidation requester files an invalidation application with foreign text evidence which is a Japanese patent application publication...

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Trend of IP Application in First Half of 2016 Announced by TIPO Aug 10, 2016

In the first half of the year 2016, the total number of all three types of patent applications is 34,494, lower by 2.55% compared to the amount of the first half of 2015. The trademark application number is 38,267, higher by 1.50%.

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Priority Document Content Modified by TIPO Aug 10, 2016

The priority document of a patent application is used for confirming the disclosure of the patent application on the filing date. Therefore, the contents of the priority document shall be referred to the specification, abstract, claims, and...

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High-level Conference on “Belt and Road” Intellectual Property Cooperation Held in China Aug 10, 2016

A high-level conference on “Belt and Road” held in Beijing on July 21-22, aiming at intellectual property field cooperation. Representatives of WIPO and GCC participate the conference as observers. Acknowledging the importance of international...

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