Newsletter Sep 09, 2024

The system for accelerated examination of trademark applications in Taiwan

The Intellectual Property Office under the Ministry of Economic Affairs (hereinafter referred as “TIPO”) officially implemented the acceleration of trademark examination system for trademark applications in Taiwan on May 1, 2024. This system offers the channel of accelerated examination process for applicants with an urgent need to obtain trademark registration. Two primary conditions govern the use of this accelerated examination system: 

  1. The necessity of obtain rights immediately. The applicant must demonstrate an "urgent necessity" to acquire trademark rights, meaning there must be a genuine and pressing need when applying for accelerated examination. 
  2. Under the “users-pay principle”, an additional acceleration fee must be paid, specifically NT$6,000 per class. The Registrar Office will then initiate the accelerated examination process. 

Basically, for applications that meet the criteria for accelerated examination, TIPO will issue the first examination notice within two months after the application is filed. However, such examination shall not apply to an application to which a notice of amendment or refusal has been issued by the Registrar Office. This may affect the efficiency of the accelerated examination and delay the issuance of the examination results.  

The conditions and procedures for requesting an acceleration of trademark examination are not overly complex. If the applicant has an immediate need for trademark rights before TIPO issues the first examination notice, the applicant may apply for accelerated examination.   


The latest news published by the TIPO on June 13, 2024

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